Hitachi HT7800 TEM

BioUnit 1:  Room 103

The HT7800 RuliTEM is a 120 kV transmission electron microscope (TEM) with multiple lens configurations offering high contrast and high resolution.  It has a dual-mode objective lens supporting easy observation under low magnification, wide-field high contrast, and high resolution.  Operation under normal room light allows the user to effectively operate the instrument.  Advanced stage navigation allows whole grid searching and efficient image acquisition.



  • Electron Gun:  W, Lab6
  • Accelerating Voltage:  20-120kV
  • Resolution(Lattice):  .204nm
  • Maximum Stage Tilt:  ±70° 
  • Camera - TVIPS  TemCam-F216 :   4 megapixel camera, covering an image area of 32 × 32 mm² with active pixel       sensors.



  • Automated Image Stitching
  • 3D Tomography
  • STEM option not currently installed
  • EDX
  • in-situ


Contractile tail phage imaged by B. Stroupe lab.

The Hitachi TEM was purchased with funds from NSF grant 2017869